Saturday, October 24, 2009


(The X Files)

Rob Bowman
1998|Color|USA|121 min

10/27 (二) 20:30

★1999年ASCAP獎Top Box Office Films

若說是什麼在90年代重新燃起世人對外星人的狂熱,美國影集《X檔案》(The X Files)絕對功不可沒。雖然《X檔案》推出的兩部電影評價都不算好,但因為它對科幻影片的貢獻實在太高了,因此《X檔案:征服未來》入選本次影展片單。


整部電影無論是人物關係或點子都可說是影集的延伸,但導演羅伯包曼(Rob Bowman)和編劇克里斯卡特(Chris Carter)似乎忘了他們這次創作的不是影集而是電影。《X檔案:征服未來》的步調和節奏都太像電視影集了,而特效的處理和最後收尾也缺乏電影應有的規模,反而使整個「外星殖民者」計畫和龐大神秘組織的人體實驗失去了電影開始鋪陳的驚悚與神秘。



"X Files: the Movie" is based on the popular TV-series produced by Chris Carter. The movie begins with FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully investigating a case of the explosion of an office building in Dallas and being unintentionally swept into a mysterious conspiracy. A group of aliens emerge out of a big hole underground in northern Texas, killing three people on earth and possessing the body of the fourth.

Three bodies are found in the very building where the suspected terrorists have placed bombs. The assumption that aliens have taken control of the Earth thus comes around, and Mulder goes to as far as Antarctica to save Scully... David Duchovny plays Fox Mulder, the serious but extremely smart FBI agent who believes in the existence of aliens. His partner Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) is a medical doctor, so she can maintain a suspicious attitude towards the mysterious things Mulder believes in.

The movie version of X-files creates an unprecedented momentum for the series. As movies are more popularized than TV series, the mysteries of X-files can be viewed by more people. Moreover, it is not a movie which can only be enjoyed by X-files fans but everyone. The audience may be surprised at an alien life form as something roaming in underground caves as well as their plan to colonize the Earth. The movie inherits the paranoia, horror, and blood-curdling suspense from the series, and these elements of a great mystery will attract the heart of many.



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