Wednesday, October 28, 2009


(The Abyss)

James Cameron
1989|Color|USA|170 min

10/31 (六) 20:30


1945到1990年,因美、蘇兩國在政治、外交和軍事上的角力,使得這55年被世人稱為冷戰。《無底洞》(The Abyss)推出的年代就在冷戰末期,因此在今年清大夜貓子電影院的科幻影展裡,《無底洞》和《地球末日記》(The Day the Earth Stood Still)就形成了有趣的對比:後者是冷戰前期的科幻電影,未知生物來自太空;前者則是冷戰即將結束的科幻作品,不明生物則來自深淵。《地球末日記》是相對嚴肅又冷峻的電影,整部電影可說沒有絲毫冷場,與之相比,用夫妻回溫的愛情和深海恐懼症發作的軍人鋪陳的《無底洞》,其立場似乎就顯得有些尷尬。不過,這並不影響《無底洞》在電影史或特效史上的地位。

本次影展的主題為「接觸」,《無底洞》有著實質上的接觸,同時他也是新舊特效技術交替的銜接點。由於詹姆斯卡麥隆(James Cameron)拍攝了《無底洞》,利用電腦特效成功描摹出一種透明、像水一樣任意變化的外星生物,而這種技術則成就了他接下來可堪稱經典的電影《魔鬼終結者2》(Terminator 2: Judgment Day)。
詹姆斯卡麥隆對於海洋生物、物理學、太空科技甚至是漫畫都有相當的熱情,但是受到庫柏力克(Stanley Kubrick)《2001:太空漫遊》(2001: A Space Odyssey)的感召,他立志要成為電影導演。《無底洞》或許不是卡麥隆最優秀的作品,甚至和他前後兩部電影(《異型2》(Aliens)、《魔鬼終結者2》)相比,似乎也有些冗贅部分。但《無底洞》卻是了解卡麥隆這位導演相當好的入門,因為它幾乎囊括了卡麥隆熱愛的電影要素。
女強人、對未知科技或生物的恐懼、驚悚與災難、暴力與和平、溝通與理解,甚至是些許浪漫。雪歌妮薇佛(Sigourney Weaver)和琳達漢彌頓(Linda Hamilton)是卡麥隆鏡頭下最佳女強人代表,《無底洞》裡則有瑪麗伊莉莎白瑪斯楚湯妮奧(Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio)飾演的女工程師。當美國核子潛艇因不明原因沉沒於深淵,軍方對未知訊息的恐慌所衍生的過度臆測,差點導致核武危機。同樣的,困在深海裡的美軍,面對美麗但卻奇異的生物機械,直覺式地把對方視為蘇聯的高科技,並意圖用核彈毀滅。他們(美軍)從未思索過「溝通」,從未考慮過「接觸」和「了解」彼此,當誤會產生,災難亦隨之爆發。

雖然是老調重彈的「人類應該和平相處」,但《無底洞》在利用誤解和暴力衝突彰顯和平可貴的手法確實是比多數同類型電影來得有層次。故事緊連冷戰末期的社會氣氛,那是最緊繃也最讓人焦慮的時代,表面上美國雖然取得冷戰的勝利,但背後卻付出許多代價,特別是在政治、經濟、文化和教育上留下深刻的恐懼和消極的影響。也因此電影裡數次以身陷深淵的人們觀看即時新聞畫面來傳達真實與認知的落差。大戰或許一觸即發,事實真相卻被阻絕在深海裡,雖然艾德哈里斯(Ed Harris)最後的行為出發點是美國英雄式的犧牲,但導演反而用幽默、責任和愛情誤解的冰釋來刻劃深海裡的核彈危機,使電影多了分浪漫、少了分冷冽,也更貼近現實。


Bud (Ed Harris) and Lindsey (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio) are a divorced couple engaged in deep-sea exploration work. They are forced to help the U.S. Navy find and rescue a nuclear submarine. Together with Lt. Hiram Coffey (Michael Biehn) and the U.S. Military, they dive deeply into the ocean. In the "abyss" where the sunrays cannot reach, the crew has become targets of attack. In adversity, the love between Bud and Lindsey slowly regain. The film director James Cameron found his idea through the Great Falls of Nicaragua, and 40% of the scenes in the movie were shot underwater. The grand style and stunning special effects are also found in Cameron's later work "Titanic".
"The Abyss" is actually an anti-war movie intended to raise environmental awareness but wrapped up with underwater expedition, military operations, and contact with the extraterrestrial. As with all of Cameron's sci-fi screenplays, behind the technology lies a distinctively human element. This enables "The Abyss", despite the extraterrestrial encounters, to approach the audience on their level and suck viewers into the film. The character of Coffey is a great obstacle character because he is losing his mind and is getting engulfed by paranoia to the point where he cannot trust anyone. The way Cameron uses Coffey to build up suspense is very effective and the culmination of it is one of the most frantic underwater chases ever be. Spectacular is the only word that comes to mind.
The movie takes the style of a disaster film in the beginning, then develops into marine adventures, and finally ends on a optimistic and humane note. The nearly three hours of viewing experience leads the audience continuously to new developments. Cameron directs the film with a sturdy pace, and adorned with its amazing special effects, "The Abyss" is a must-see for all movie connoisseurs.



Saturday, October 24, 2009


(The X Files)

Rob Bowman
1998|Color|USA|121 min

10/27 (二) 20:30

★1999年ASCAP獎Top Box Office Films

若說是什麼在90年代重新燃起世人對外星人的狂熱,美國影集《X檔案》(The X Files)絕對功不可沒。雖然《X檔案》推出的兩部電影評價都不算好,但因為它對科幻影片的貢獻實在太高了,因此《X檔案:征服未來》入選本次影展片單。


整部電影無論是人物關係或點子都可說是影集的延伸,但導演羅伯包曼(Rob Bowman)和編劇克里斯卡特(Chris Carter)似乎忘了他們這次創作的不是影集而是電影。《X檔案:征服未來》的步調和節奏都太像電視影集了,而特效的處理和最後收尾也缺乏電影應有的規模,反而使整個「外星殖民者」計畫和龐大神秘組織的人體實驗失去了電影開始鋪陳的驚悚與神秘。



"X Files: the Movie" is based on the popular TV-series produced by Chris Carter. The movie begins with FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully investigating a case of the explosion of an office building in Dallas and being unintentionally swept into a mysterious conspiracy. A group of aliens emerge out of a big hole underground in northern Texas, killing three people on earth and possessing the body of the fourth.

Three bodies are found in the very building where the suspected terrorists have placed bombs. The assumption that aliens have taken control of the Earth thus comes around, and Mulder goes to as far as Antarctica to save Scully... David Duchovny plays Fox Mulder, the serious but extremely smart FBI agent who believes in the existence of aliens. His partner Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) is a medical doctor, so she can maintain a suspicious attitude towards the mysterious things Mulder believes in.

The movie version of X-files creates an unprecedented momentum for the series. As movies are more popularized than TV series, the mysteries of X-files can be viewed by more people. Moreover, it is not a movie which can only be enjoyed by X-files fans but everyone. The audience may be surprised at an alien life form as something roaming in underground caves as well as their plan to colonize the Earth. The movie inherits the paranoia, horror, and blood-curdling suspense from the series, and these elements of a great mystery will attract the heart of many.



Wednesday, October 21, 2009


(E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial)

Steven Spielberg
1982|Color|USA|115 min

10/24 (六) 20:30


《E.T.外星人》(E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial) 於1982年6月11日於美國首映,而這一天也成為官方制定的E.T.生日。20多年後,美國電影學院(AFI,成立於1967年)召集了1500名電影藝術專業者,經過投票後在十種類型電影裡選出對電影發展百年來影響重大的10大電影代表。在這次票選活動裡,《E.T.外星人》獲得了10大科幻電影第三名的殊榮。

E.T.是the Extra-Terrestrial的縮寫,它幾乎可是影史上最普及的科幻家庭片,相信大多數的電影觀眾都看過這部電影。一般而言觀眾會因為《E.T.外星人》的故事內容而把其視為家庭片、娛樂片或兒童片,似乎覺得這部電影科幻成分不似《2001太空漫遊》(2001: A Space Odyssey)、《發條橘子》(A Clockwork Orange)、《阿爾伐城》(Alphaville)或較近代的《駭客任務》(The Matrix)系列等科幻電影來得強烈,甚至會懷疑AFI的成員為何如此看重這部電影。

在那個年代裡,《E.T.外星人》是少數把外星人設定成醜陋、充滿皺紋但卻善解人意又愛好和平的神奇生物。大多數的外星人電影裡,外星人都必須擔當侵略者或掠食者,不然就是代替上帝來懲罰作惡多端的人類。可《E.T.外星人》完全拋棄這些沉重的包袱,史蒂芬史匹柏(Steven Spielberg)深知外太空未知領域對人類(特別是對孩童)的魅力,因此把與外星接觸視為赤子之心的表現,電影裡不那麼純真的大人似乎是「反派」,天真的孩童則是最佳的溝通橋樑,但反派卻也不是真的那麼壞,大人也曾經懷抱夢想,如此一來故事就變得層次豐富又感人肺腑。





Have you ever thought of the possibility of an extraterrestrial visitor suddenly arriving at the face of the earth, in your hometown? What kind of a story will it be like?
War breaks out, blood flows like a river, and families are torn apart. Things such as these can happen, but you are overlooking the possibility of another kind.

More than twenty years ago, the world's movie fans were crazy for a movie, which immediately became a classic and touched the heart of countless people. From the beginning with heavy suspense to its thought provoking ending, the movie is thoroughly amazing. It is not only an important work in the American film history but also becomes a part of American culture. This movie is director Steven Spielberg's classic "E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial".

This touching story describes the sincere friendship between a little boy and an alien. Elliott is a lonely little boy growing up in a single-parent family in California. One day he meets an alien from the outer space. He finds that the funny-looking alien is both good-natured and intelligent. Therefore, he decides to help this alien whom he calls "E.T." to contact his planet and escape from the pursuit of government agencies and scientists. Since then they have embarked on treacherous adventure.

Sometimes people will become stronger after tremendous changes and disasters, and they will be more courageous to face things in life. However, when people are confronted with the pure, the naive and the beautiful, they may become unusually fragile, isolate themselves for fear that their complexities will taint the innocence. This movie is simple like a fairytale, so innocent that we cannot suppress a cry after watching it.



Monday, October 19, 2009


(The Thing)

John Carpenter
1982|Color|USA|109 min

10/20 (二) 20:30

本片是約翰卡本特(John Carpenter)和寇特羅素(Kurt Russell)合作的電影裡最具代表性的作品。上世紀70、80年代是卡本特最風光的時候,那時好萊塢電影工業尚未如此倚賴電腦特效技術,因此許多知名恐怖片多半利用低成本模型打造即可,《突變第三型》(The Thing)就是這麼一部經典的科幻恐怖B級片。

他以雷利史考特(Ridley Scott)的《異形》(Alien)為尊,用大約一千萬美元的成本拍攝此片。以現今的角度來看,《突變第三型》的特效實在很假,但是該流汁流血的、該肚破腸流的場面,電影依然毫不馬虎。整部電影之所以精彩乃因卡本特抓住恐怖電影的要素:一群人被困在冰天雪地的荒原裡孤立無援,卻又彼此猜忌、不曉得誰才是要命的外星異種。





In the desolate, barren, and sparsely populated Antarctica, a group of American scientists go on a scientific expedition there, but their activities are interrupted by a group of Norwegians who are hunting down a dog maniacally. The dog finally escapes into the American scientists' research station. Two Norwegians suddenly die in a plane crash, and the matter becomes an unresolved case with no way to find any explanations. That night, the dog begins to mutate and starts to attack the other dogs and the team of scientists, some of which have unidentified objects on them. The scientists soon realize that the dog is a kind of extraterrestrial life and it can control other biological bodies. The problem now is that they have no idea who is already being controlled...

The film is a remake of the same-titled 1951 movie. As this is a remake three decades after the original version, the visual effects have come a long way. What is more worth mentioning about the film is that it contains hints of the Cold War, of fear of Communist infiltration and the metaphor of McCarthy-style white terror. The dark side of people mistrusting each other is portrayed effectively.

The protagonist, film star Kurt Russell used to be a popular American action movie hero. In "The Thing", he creates the image of a justice defender beyond the social, legal, and moral constraints. His performance in the film is perfectly mingled with the dark and offbeat aura of the movie. He, along with the other actors, enhances the feeling of fear and chaos but also brings out the hopes and trusts of human nature amid great sufferings.




(Invasion of the Body Snatchers)

Don Siegel
1956|B&W|USA|80 min

10/17 (六) 20:30


《天外魔花》(Invasion of the Body Snatchers)改編自傑克芬尼(Jack Finney)的科幻小說,講述的是類似豆莢的外星人企圖利用細胞附身人類以征服地球的故事。這部電影在1956年獲得成功好評,並在1994年列入美國國家電影名冊,並在推出後半個世紀內擁有四個翻拍版本。

第一個翻拍是1978年的菲利浦考夫曼(Philip Kaufman)的《變形邪魔》(Invasion of Body Snatchers),第二個翻拍版是1993年的《異形基地》(Body Snatchers),第三版是1998年《老師不是人》(The Faculty),第四版是2007年妮可基嫚(Nicole Kidman)主演的《恐怖拜訪》(The Visiting)。

但1993年與1998年的美國正處太平盛世,因此這種電影只能淪為單純的科幻恐怖或商業娛樂片,無法引發共鳴或更深層的思考,特別是1998年的校園版,除了敵我難分的概念相同外,整部故事的架構與目的已淪為單純的young age異形追殺片,加上傳統邪不勝正的happy ending,除了異形和虐殺電影顯得沒有重點。2007年的美國則是懼怕恐怖主義和伊斯蘭教的反攻,因此電影裡「模仿、擬真」的滲透就和現實的恐懼不成對比,加上電影沒有更強力、更突出的變化,使得2007年的改編版慘遭滑鐵盧。

導演唐席格(Don Siegel)在處理《天外魔花》時,把原著的喜劇結尾改成凱文麥卡錫(Kevin McCarthy)嘶吼的問號。表面上這似乎是反共的宣導電影,暗示「匪諜就在你身邊」,豆莢人的冷靜、和諧似乎會替世界帶來和平,但這種烏托邦的背後卻忽略基本人權,甚至以類似狩獵邪教的暴力行為排除異己。且類似植物構成的外星人雖然模仿人類唯妙唯肖,可本質卻是冷酷而機械的,看似和平卻完全抽離了「人」的本質,以集體意識呼應寡頭政治,並以剔除異議人士諷刺白色恐怖,連獨善其身者也難逃一劫。



Dr. Miles Bennel (Kevin McCarthy) returns to his hometown to practice and finds that several of his patients suffer from the same paranoid delusion, claiming that their friends and relatives are imposters. Bennel is skeptical at first, but later he finds that these alleged imposters are able to answer many detailed personal questions about their victims' lives. Thus, he begins to believe that things are wrong. Bennel then receives a friend's phone call asking him to take a look at his pool table, on which a number of strange but perfectly-shaped human bodies appear, worrying him further. People around him are transformed one by one during their sleep. Can he stay awake and come up with a plan to rescue himself and his beloved? This sci-fi classic, directed by Don Siegel, is undoubtedly one of the most horrifying movies in film history.

"The Invasion of the Body Snatchers" is as much a sci-fi horror movie as a political thriller, even though the original story writer Jack Finney as well as the director denied this interpretation. The audience can watch the movie in two perspectives. It may symbolically refers to oligarchy through people's collective consciousness, foreshadowing the terror of communism behind the Iron Curtain. The director added the part that the protagonists are reported by everyone in town to the military and the police as they are the only ones that have not been transformed, creating a scene of horror which possibly would appear in a Communist society.

On the other hand, "The Invasion of the Body Snatchers" also raises an interesting question on whether the so-called "peace" can be achieved only based on a certain degree of sacrifice as well as the blind obedience to the state apparatus. Such submission shuts emotions and makes human beings soulless. Can it be that if not for the heterogeneity in society, there would not be famine or war crimes? Can the doom in the eyes of Bennel be the most perfect blueprint for Utopia? This logical dilemma constitutes this movie's unique appeal.



Saturday, October 10, 2009



James Cameron
1986|B&W|USA|137 min

10/13 (二) 20:30

★1987年ASCAP獎Top Box Office Films

1979年雷利史考特(Ridley Scott)與福斯電影公司團隊,在1100萬美元的預算下創造了的影史最駭人的怪物:異形(Alien),當年的《異形》在雷利史考特的鋪陳下,成為一部結合空間幽閉恐懼、科技失控等題材的科幻驚悚片。由於詹姆斯卡麥隆(James Cameron)在1984年成功推出《魔鬼終結者》(Terminator),1986年福斯電影公司找來詹姆斯卡麥隆,以1800萬美元的經費,在英國的Pinewood片廠與一座廢棄的發電廠內,打造這部經典科幻驚悚電影的續集。

第二集的劇情設定為女主角Ellen Ripley經過第一集的浩劫後獨自在冰冷的太空逃生箱裡度過57年的漂泊,獲救後家鄉已物是人非,她的雇主Weyland-Yutani公司為了利益故意投資引發當年Nostromo號一切悲劇的LV-426星球為太空殖民地,且將當年的一切問題都推卸到Ellen Ripley身上。就在Ellen Ripley淪為機器搬運工時,LV-426出事了,Weyland-Yutani公司只好派海軍陸戰隊以及曾和異形交過手的Ellen Ripley前往LV-426。






Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver), the only survivor of the space freighter Nostromo, is rescued and revived after drifting for fifty-seven years in hypersleep. Due to the consideration of interests, the Weyland-Yutani Corporation denies Ripley's accounts of the Alien and cancels her space flight license as a result of her "questionable judgment". However, the Weyland-Yutani Corporation staff soon finds themselves losing contact with LV-426, the planetoid where Ripley's crew first encountered the Alien eggs. In order to bereave herself of recurring nightmares as well as to save the future of humanity, Ripley decides to return to the hellish battle with the Alien. The heavily-armed crew descends to the surface of LV-426 via dropship, where they find the colony seemingly abandoned and only a little girl survives. The crew cannot defend themselves under the attack of the Alien, and the spacecrafts which come to help them retreat also crash. Ripley is once again desperately facing life and death. In such a critical moment, representatives from the Weyland-Yutani Corporation even try to take the living body of the Alien for profits, at the expense of Ripley's life, but eventually their scheme fails as they perish in the battle. With the help of the cyborg "Bishop", Ripley makes her way onto the spacecraft to save the little girl as promised...

Compared with "Alien", apart from the gigantic scenes of the planet and futuristic spacecrafts, "Aliens" impresses us particularly with the director' portrayal of the characters. In addition to the powerful personality of Ripley, each soldier has distinctive qualities, watching whose interactions per se are already enthralling.

The Alien is not the most frightening thing in the movie; the most frightening are human beings themselves. People kill each other when blinded by greed, disregarding the lives of others. The consequence of human cruelty is that even the most innocent child begins to question the world. Fortunately, Ripley's motherly tenderness towards the little girl brings warmth to this cold planet, making us believe that humanity, in times of crises, will not surrender. Ripley also establishes the image of a perfect heroine.



Wednesday, October 7, 2009


(Plan 9 from Outer Space)

Edward D. Wood
1959|B&W|USA|79 min

10/10 (六) 20:30

《外太空九號計畫》(Plan 9 from Outer Space)絕對是影史上的經典,甚至該說是「Cult Film」(邪典電影)電影之王(就是所謂爛到一個極致就會成為經典),本片推出後還贏得了「史上最爛科幻片」的寶座,這殊榮全歸功於知名爛導演艾德伍德(Ed Wood)。

艾德伍德可說是好萊塢的一代奇人,《大國民》(Citizen Kane)的導演奧森威爾斯(Orson Welles)是他偶像,可艾德伍德的電影卻怎麼拍怎麼難看,儘管如此他對電影的熱情卻並未因此打消,甚至屢敗屢戰,從不停止拍電影的慾望。但他也因為投資失利、酗酒且電影又不受賞識,使得晚年淒涼。但就在他過世後,他的電影卻成為喜歡Cult Film觀眾的收藏。


那為何這次科幻影展要選擇這樣一部史無前例的大爛片呢?因為《外太空九號計畫》雖然導演爛、劇本爛、特效爛、演員爛,連飛碟都是未經裝飾的凱迪拉克輪盤來濫竽充數,處處都悽慘。但這樣的片子卻替主流電影開啟了另一個天地,甚至為後代被Cult Film的作品開創先鋒,因此依然是值得一看的「經典」。


Formerly known as "Grave Robbers From Outer Space", "Plan 9 from Outer Space" has long been considered the worst sci-fi movie ever made. Everything about the movie, including the script, special effects, and props are so bad that it has become immortal and "classic." All credits should be attributed to the director Edward D. Wood Jr., who whole-heartedly devoted himself to movie making. As long as a movie can be completed, the goofs and inconsistencies do not matter.

Born in 1924, Ed Wood entered Hollywood in 1947 and made his living by writing scripts and making TV-series. Starting from 1950, Ed Wood began independently producing movies of popular genres under extremely low budgets. The outcomes, however, were usually appalling. "Plan 9 from Outer Space", written and directed by Ed Wood himself in 1959, is his most well-known "bad work."

The niche of the film is like a typical sci-fi horror movie, with a large array of aliens, zombies, vampires, and giant monsters. Actor Béla Lugosi, who had a long history of working experience with Ed Wood, made an appearance in the movie despite the fact that he had already passed away before the shooting. The story begins with aliens being enraged by Earth people's refusal to recognize them officially. They come up with Secret Plan no. 9 to resurrect the dead (transforming the deceased into zombies) in order to prevent human beings on Earth from creating deadly weapons. The aliens' invasion causes chaos in society; a battle has begun. The plot is ridiculous, hardly convincing, the roles rigid, and the dialog nonsensical. Due to funding constraints, the special effects seem shoddy, the most powerful of which is using the wheel iron plate of Cadillac as a flying saucer. Despite the movie's many flaws, you may still find it unbelievably enjoyable with its creativity and the director's earnest attempts in presenting this incredible story for the audience.



Friday, October 2, 2009


(The Day the Earth Stood Still)

Robert Wise
1951|B&W|USA|92 min

10/06 (二) 20:30


或許現在的觀眾沒聽過《地球末日記》(The Day the Earth Stood Still),也不知道勞勃懷斯(Robert Wise)是誰,但若提起《真善美》(The Sound Of Music)或是基洛李維演的《當地球停止轉動》(The Day the Earth Stood Still, 2008),一定有一票人點頭說看過。









Klaatu is from a planet with a civilization more advanced than that on Earth. As a messenger, he steps out a spaceship landing in Washington, accompanied by robot Gort to stop the manufacture of atomic weapons of mankind, for atomic weapons would result in the extinction of mankind. Earth people not only do not listen to him but also attack him. Gort wants to fight back but is stopped by Klaatu, who afterwards is imprisoned by Earth people. He escapes and goes into hiding. Finally, in order to persuade mankind and display his strength, he has all electronic appliances on Earth cease to function for an hour...

"The Day the Earth Stood Still", unlike most Hollywood movies, characterizes aliens as kind and open-minded beings coming to the United States to spread the message of peace. Still, some people are confused by rumors and prosecute the aliens.

The movie was remade in 2008 starring Keanu Reeves, but the original version is stunning nonetheless. The visual effects are particularly outstanding; although resplendent scenes are non-existent, the eerie atmosphere of heavy pressure is regrettably missing in the later version. Both sides in the movie symbolize the two parties from the early Cold War. Doubt, suspicion, mistrust, and confrontation sum up the relations between them. This movie takes the perspective of aliens in an attempt to examine the unexplainable things on Earth and thinks up solutions to change the status of confrontation so that human beings are able to live as the aliens do, with no armed forces and wars. When this well-intended attempt does not generate a positive response, aliens are forced to adopt the action as we expect them to--making Earth people believe that aliens have superior power to be able to accept the suggestions of managing this planet on the negotiating table rather than the battlefield.



Thursday, October 1, 2009


2009 NTHU Arts Center Science-Fiction Film Festival


Would you like to swing on a star
Carry moonbeams home in a jar
And be better off than you are
Or would you rather be a mule


「倘佯在星星上」(Swing on a Star)最早是平克勞斯貝(Bing Crosby)飾演的神父在電影「與我同行」(Going My Way, 1944)裡教孤兒們唱的歌,鼓勵他們唸書,學習知識之後能夠倘佯在星星上,不然就要甘願當騾子。倘佯在星星上探索太空曾經是許多人的嚮往,也是人類知識的重要來源,可是在地球之外的星空裡,會遇上什麼呢?如果有外星生物,會看起來像騾子,還是看我們地球人像騾子?


尋找外星智慧(Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, SETI)的計畫一開始從學術界發起,如今還結合許多業餘人士,利用家用電腦連線監測太空的無線電訊號。為什麼有這麼多人渴望知道浩瀚星空裡,有沒有其他星球有類似地球上人類的智慧生物?也許是寂寞帶來的空虛與恐懼,也許是想擺脫人類世界的紛擾,也許是為了尋找最終答案的好奇,顯然許多人想在宇宙中尋找能夠談話的對象。


也許答案不會來自真實的外星人,而是存在幻想的外星人身上。過世的偉大科幻小說家Stanislaw Lem(他的著作Solaris被兩度改編拍成電影),藉著小說人物之口說過:「我們不需要其他世界,我們需要鏡子。」我們從這十二部有關外星人的電影所看到的外星人,仍然是我們自己。



10/06 (二) 19:00
搧胡椒秘密基地總司令 難攻博士

11/17 (二) 19:00
閉幕講座 潛行者:誰是外星人?
清華大學 藝術中心主任 劉瑞華


10/06 (二)
地球末日記 The Day the Earth Stood Still-- (1951) 92min

10/10 (六)
外太空九號計劃 Plan 9 from Outer Space-- (1959) 79min

10/13 (二)
異形2 Aliens-- (1986) 137min

10/17 (六)
天外魔花 Invasion of the Body Snatchers -- (1956) 80min

10/20 (二)
突變第三型 The Thing-- (1982) 109min

10/24 (六)
E.T.外星人 E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial-- (1982) 115min

10/27 (二)
X檔案:征服未來 The X Files-- (1998) 121min

10/31 (六)
無底洞 The Abyss-- (1989) 170min


11/03 (二)
第三類接觸 Close Encounters of the Third Kind-- (1977) 132min

10/07 (六)
靈異象限 Signs-- (2002) 106min

11/10 (二)
天降財神 The Man Who Fell To Earth-- (1976) 139min

11/14 (六)
潛行者 Stalker-- (1979) 163min

11/17 (二)
科學怪人的新娘* The Bride of Frankenstein-- (1935) 75min

11/21 (六)
落花流水春去也* Charly-- (1968) 103min

11/24 (二)
王牌冤家* Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind-- (2004) 108min

11/28 (六)
巴西* Brazil-- (1985) 132min



首輪電影套票十張 1名
經典電影套裝DVD+首輪電影雙票券 1名
蘇格貓底精緻排餐+首輪電影雙票券 1名
電影原聲帶+首輪電影雙票券 1名
首輪電影雙票劵 1名

獨家贊助:力晶集團 力仁教育基金會

