(Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)
米歇爾‧岡瑞Michel Gondry
2004|USA|Color|108 min
電影:11/24 (二) 20:30
Joel is so shocked to discover that his ex Clementine has erased all the memories of their bewildered love affair. Out of desperation, he also contacts the clinic which did the operation to Clementine. Dr. Howard Mierzwiak, the doctor in the clinic, promises that he will removed Clementine from Joel’s own memory as he wishes. However, as Joel's memories progressively begin to disappear, he begins to discover their earlier passion...
The film would definitely touch a certain part of your heart and soul to a degree that most shows never did... It shows how fragile the relationship of human being would be. People want to erase bad memories of a failedrelationship yet at the same time, can't bear to part with the good ones.
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