(The Day the Earth Stood Still)
Robert Wise
1951|B&W|USA|92 min
10/06 (二) 20:30
或許現在的觀眾沒聽過《地球末日記》(The Day the Earth Stood Still),也不知道勞勃懷斯(Robert Wise)是誰,但若提起《真善美》(The Sound Of Music)或是基洛李維演的《當地球停止轉動》(The Day the Earth Stood Still, 2008),一定有一票人點頭說看過。
Klaatu is from a planet with a civilization more advanced than that on Earth. As a messenger, he steps out a spaceship landing in Washington, accompanied by robot Gort to stop the manufacture of atomic weapons of mankind, for atomic weapons would result in the extinction of mankind. Earth people not only do not listen to him but also attack him. Gort wants to fight back but is stopped by Klaatu, who afterwards is imprisoned by Earth people. He escapes and goes into hiding. Finally, in order to persuade mankind and display his strength, he has all electronic appliances on Earth cease to function for an hour...
"The Day the Earth Stood Still", unlike most Hollywood movies, characterizes aliens as kind and open-minded beings coming to the United States to spread the message of peace. Still, some people are confused by rumors and prosecute the aliens.
The movie was remade in 2008 starring Keanu Reeves, but the original version is stunning nonetheless. The visual effects are particularly outstanding; although resplendent scenes are non-existent, the eerie atmosphere of heavy pressure is regrettably missing in the later version. Both sides in the movie symbolize the two parties from the early Cold War. Doubt, suspicion, mistrust, and confrontation sum up the relations between them. This movie takes the perspective of aliens in an attempt to examine the unexplainable things on Earth and thinks up solutions to change the status of confrontation so that human beings are able to live as the aliens do, with no armed forces and wars. When this well-intended attempt does not generate a positive response, aliens are forced to adopt the action as we expect them to--making Earth people believe that aliens have superior power to be able to accept the suggestions of managing this planet on the negotiating table rather than the battlefield.