Thursday, November 19, 2009



雷夫‧尼爾森 Ralph Nelson

電影:11/21 (六) 20:30

一九六八年的《落花流水春去也》(英名:Charly),電影改編自丹尼爾‧凱斯(Daniel Keyes)的醫學科幻《獻給阿爾吉儂的花束》(Flowers for Algernon)。男主角克裏夫‧勞勃遜扮演的心智障礙者查理,獲得奧斯卡最佳男主角獎。




Charly Gordon, a bakery worker with an IQ of only 59, is selected as a test-subject for a pioneering experiment in intelligence enhancement. The experiment is successful and Charly rapidly progresses in learning until he becomes a genius. But his emotions lag considerably behind. After his primitive advances are rejected by his teacher, he becomes a social dropout. Charly returns and Alice accepts him. But then he learns that the effects of the experiment are starting to reverse themselves.

Daniel Keyes’ novella Flowers for Algernon (1959) was an instant classic from its publication. It won the Science-Fiction community’s Hugo Award that year and Keyes’ full-length novelization of the story also won the 1966 Nebula Award. Cliff Robertson, then a novice actor, purchased the rights to the story and personally shepherded it through to filming. And one can see what drew Robertson to make such personal investment in the project – Charly is a choice actor’s role. The Best Actor Oscar awarded to Cliff Robertson for his brilliant performance.

